GitHubReact app with a login system that scans faces within uploaded images and keeps a record for each user.
I'm a programming student at the UTN (Universidad Tecnológica Nacional). I'm a big self learner that likes messing around with 3D Printing in my free time as I really enjoy the process of creating something from scratch and seeing it come to life.
I'm also a huge fan of minimalism as a concept and as a style choice. But I always like leaving enough room to be able to stand out and be creative of course ;)
React app with a login system that scans faces within uploaded images and keeps a record for each user.
React app that uses an user list API to display cards with their own information that can be sorted in an interactive manner.
Feel free to reach out! Whether it’s to discuss opportunities, projects, or just to say hello, I’m available via email. I’d love to hear from you!